Net Commands - TechGenix

Net Commands On Windows Operating Systems Feb 14, 2017 Net Use Command (Examples, Options, Switches, and More) Mar 17, 2020 net (command) - Wikipedia

There is a even easyer to install NET Framework 3.5 and that is to open the old control panel, by right clicking on the windows flag then goto programs and click turn windows features on or of. And i the box that turns up you can choose to install NET Framework 3.5 all the way up to 4.6.

MS-DOS and Windows command line net command

6 – net command – Although this tool is more known as a command, the net command is really like a power drill with different bits and is used to update, fix, or view the network or network settings. It is mostly used for viewing (only services that are started), stopping and starting services: net stop server; net … Useful commands for Windows administrators